Researchcare Africa was tasked by CARE International in Somalia (CIS) to undertake a final evaluation of the Somalia Emergency Food Assistance Project (SEFAP II) – a project that was funded by the USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) and implemented in Afmadow and Badhadhe (Lower Juba) and Banadir regions in South-Central Somalia. The project commenced on 4th August 2015. The main objective of the SEFAP II project was to address the immediate food needs of the most vulnerable rural and urban households in Lower Juba and Banadir regions. Specifically, the project aimed at improving food security among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnee households and vulnerable host community households to enable them improve their access to minimum food basket. The principal activities of the SEFAP II project involved support to the community through conditional and unconditional cash transfers, and food voucher distribution for beneficiaries. The project sought to support a total of 4,100 households (approximately 28, 700 individuals) in both Lower Juba and Banadir regions.