Oxfam remains a leading actor in humanitarian response in South and Central Somalia implementing lifesaving and sustained livelihood support, nutritional programming, public health as well as policy and advocacy interventions in the region. To fill the gap in information, Oxfam together with Researchcare Africa and Valid international carried out an integrated livelihood, WASH and nutritional assessment in selected districts of Jowhar, Adale, Balcad (middle Shebelle region), Baidoa, Buurhakaba (bay region) and Kismayu (lower juba region) of South Somalia in order to understand the current situation so as to inform on types of interventions required.
The object of the assessment was to provide a food security and vulnerability analysis that provides an in-depth picture of the food security situation and the vulnerability of households in the 6 selected districts of south central Somalia. It also evaluated the nutritional status of children aged 6 – 59 months using MUAC, investigated infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices among children aged 0 – 23 months. It also determined health care services coverage and assessed availability of vaccination / immunization services among other objectives. The assessment also covered Water, Sanitation and Hygiene by assessing  the sources and extent of coverage to WASH facilities at household, at the village and district level,  key risky public health behaviour at household and community level, the levels of awareness and knowledge on the key WASH related behaviour and the motivation factor towards positive adoption. It also assessed the levels of practices on key hygiene behaviour (hand washing, water handling practices and faecal disposal practices).