Baseline Evaluation for Economic Development (ECDEV) Investments Implemented in South West State Implemented by ADESO, Solargen, Somalione and SOS
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Baseline Evaluation for Economic Development (ECDEV) Investments Implemented in South West State Implemented by ADESO, Solargen, Somalione and SOS
The purpose of the “Youth employment, human capital and private sector development” project is to contribute to improved equitable, sustainable and resilient livelihoods for disadvantaged youth and women with focus on improving labour market information, career guidance and employment service assistance, market and demand driven employability skills and entrepreneurship training and business development support and market linkage support services, and advocacy and partnership with government, private sector and civil society actors. The study adopted mixed method designing combining Quantitative and qualitative methods including project beneficiary survey, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and desk review.