Rapid needs assessment for IDPs, refugee returnees and host community for OXFAM & GIZ for May to June 2015
Cost effectiveness analysis for resilience programming for humanitarian donors in Somalia for May to July 2015
Institutional assessment and capacity development covering Human resource, financial management and strategic plan for the department of immigration for Somaliland, Puntland and Immigration and naturalization directorate(IND) of federal government of Somalia
Organisational assessment and development on Tawakal trading: Livestock Fattening and Trading project Habo fish processing factories, Zamzam food industries supported by AECF programme
Qualitative Endline Study of Broadening Options for Reconciliation, Development and Empowerment among Somalis II Program (BORDERS II) in lower JUBA and Gedo regions September- November 2015
Third Party Monitoring Of Somalia Emergency Food Assistance Project (SEFAP) Project in Afmadow & Badhadhe Districts, Lower Juba Region
Third Party Monitoring For Voluntary Refugee Returnees Project In Somalia In November And December 2015