Final evaluation on food security, livelihoods, water and sanitation project for Solidarites international in Galgaduud, Gedo and lower juba regions south and central Somalia in April 2014
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Final evaluation on food security, livelihoods, water and sanitation project for Solidarites international in Galgaduud, Gedo and lower juba regions south and central Somalia in April 2014

This evaluation was based on WASH and livelihood project implemented by SI through funding from ECHO. The project was expected to help address existing gaps on WASH and food security by improving water access through rehabilitation of wells and supporting boreholes to address water needs, and as well provide water during the drought periods. Three regions were targeted, namely Gedo, Galgaduud and Lower Juba covering 8 districts mainly, Luuq, Elwak, Baardheere, Badhadhe, Afmadow, Abudwaq, Balanbale and Adado. The data was collected from Thirty two villages across the three regions. The project aimed at providing lifesaving WASH and Food Security interventions for targeted drought and conflict affected households, while improving the resilience of their livelihoods strategies for future shocks. Concurrent mixed-research approach which is the use of both quantitative and qualitative data collection approaches. The evaluation was conducted mainly through Household surveys, focus group discussions, key informants and observations. 355 households and 600 beneficiaries were interviewed by household questionnaire and Focus group discussions (FGDs) respectively while 40 key informants comprising of community leaders, women group heads were interviewed.