Institutional assessment and capacity development covering Human resource, financial management and strategic plan for the department of immigration for Somaliland, Puntland and Immigration and naturalization directorate(IND) of federal government of Somalia
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Institutional assessment and capacity development covering Human resource, financial management and strategic plan for the department of immigration for Somaliland, Puntland and Immigration and naturalization directorate(IND) of federal government of Somalia

The aim of this project was to assess the institutional capacity of the Department immigration of Somaliland, Puntland and federal government of Somalia.   The assessment particularly focusing on HR, procurement and budget management. Based on the assessment, we identified best practices, gaps and recommended policy formulation, processes and tools in the aforementioned areas of management. The general objectives of the assessment are to assess the Institutional Capacity on HR, review the organizational structure; draft a recommended organizational structure; review the HR policies/regulations; outline the recommended training topics; assess good practices and gaps in the final / draft HR policies and regulations. We also assessed Institutional capacity in procurement management by reviewing the current practice of procurement. Further, we assessed institutional capacity in finance management by developing a tool for budget planning; reviewed the current practice of budget planning and the payment processes; estimate annual budget requirements. We Identified good practices and areas of improvement in HR, procurement management & finance management as recommendations