UNICEF contracted Researchcare Africa Ltd for the provision of Third Party Monitoring and Verification Services specifically for Routine Monitoring and Basic Socio-Political Analysis Activities. Researchcare has monitored between 10- 20 organizations every quarter. The general scope of works encompasses the provision of third-party assurance services in all areas of Somalia including Somaliland, Puntland and Central South Somalia. RCA Visited partners at fixed points during the course of programme implementation to ensure that progress is satisfactorily aligned with contractual commitments, and identify barriers and bottlenecks. It carried Identification of barriers and bottlenecks may feed into supportive supervision. Conducted in-depth interviews with service providers, frontline workers, beneficiaries, community members, local government, and other target audiences to solicit their reflections about, and perceptions of, the relevance and value of the progress/results seen on the ground, as well as the overall performance of the partner. Carried out Verification on whether progress/results reported by partners—including both NGO and government is in fact supported by evidence on the ground. Collected information about key emerging issues arising from the field affecting children, adolescents, or women, i.e., disease outbreaks, malnutrition, movement of affected population and systematic exclusion of certain groups of people including minorities. Collected information on the socio-political environment during the process of routine monitoring, as necessary. Proactively and routinely provided UNICEF with socio-political analysis based, for example, on the findings that emerge from field visits.