Researchcare was contracted to undertake the Rapid needs assessment for Oxfam GB and its partner, (GIZ) to understand the plight and conditions of Kismayo towns diverse population. Further, the assessment sought to identify possible Quick Impact Projects (QIP) in support of livelihoods for the internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugee returnees and the host community. A sample size of 385 households was interviewed during the assessment. The assessment covered various sectors including livelihoods, WaSH and the social-economic infrastructure in addition to mapping out IDP settlements, refuge returnees, community stakeholders, level of integration, coordination and the current development interventions and gaps that exist in Kismayo municipality. The main aim of the assessment was to identify possible Quick Impact Projects (QIP) in support of livelihood for the target community namely, the internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugee returnees and the host community. This assessment was therefore based on the analysis of the existing capacities and vulnerabilities of the IDPs, refugees and host communities in order to identify urgent needs that can be addressed by GIZ in partnership with other stakeholders.